Why School Rankings Don’t Matter for Music Degrees
In the world of music, a school's rank holds little significance when it comes to measuring the quality of education and future success. Fame and the name on a college diploma do not determine one's worth. Instead, factors such as personal talent, dedication, and individual preference play a bigger role. There are many factors that transcend notions of "rank" when choosing a music school.

BA, BM, BME, BFA, BMT! Music Degrees Explained
It’s like alphabet soup—BA, BM, BME, BFA, BMT. They’re all music degrees, right? Yes, but the curriculum is very different and geared to what you want to do with your career.

What Colleges Want to Know: Showcasing Yourself as an Artist
Schools often require visual and performing arts applicants to submit a general resume, artistic resume, repertoire list, and in some cases an artist statement, one-minute video introduction, and a headshot. Even when these materials are an optional requirement, supply them!

Thinking about majoring in voice? Here are six ways to prepare
With any musical instrument, practice is so important. So, finding ways to build your musical, vocal, and performance skills will go a long way. Here’s how you can get started: