Thinking about majoring in voice? Here are six ways to prepare

With any musical instrument, practice is so important. So, finding ways to build your musical, vocal, and performance skills will go a long way. Here’s how you can get started:  

  1. Be a joiner. Join choirs in school, places of worship, and the community.

  2. Find a great teacher. Get a private voice teacher who can guide you throughout your vocal development. They’ll also help you prepare repertoire for pre-screening recordings and auditions.

  3. Get out there. Gain solo experience by participating in school or extracurricular musical theatre productions.

  4. Make the most out of summer. Attend a summer voice program designed for high school students for further experience and training. You’ll also meet other musical artists and get a head start on building a lifelong network. 

  5. Take piano lessons. You’ll develop your basic knowledge of music theory when you learn how to play the piano. Music theory is a foundational part of most music programs, so getting a head start is great. 

  6. Dance and act. If you’re interested in opera or musical theater, take dance or acting lessons – or join a community group. Multiple stage skills will give you a sense of confidence and expand your theater options.

To learn more about applying for a degree in voice, get in touch with Best Fit Education.


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